In 976 King Edward granted the Eggbeer estate to a member of his court, his 'faithful Vassal' Aelfsige. The estate was called 'Eald-land' which can mean land which has been left untilled for some time and the farm was called Ecca's farm.
By 1086 after the battle of Hastings it was called Eigebere and and was reported to have '2 and one half virgates of land, enough for 6 ploughs. On the lords farm 2 ploughs; 2 slaves;1 virgate; 4 villeins and borders with 2 and a half ploughs and virgates, 10 acres of meadow; 30 acres of pasture;6 acres of woodland, 3 cattle, 4 pigs, 36 sheep, 4 goats, formerly worth 15 shillings now 20 shillings.'
Since then Eggbeer has evolved into a stunning wedding venue!

This rustic wedding venue is situated on the edge of Dartmoor in Devon, where it's not just about the landscape, the ponies or the dramatic granite tors. There’s plenty of heritage and history to discover, going all the way back to Neolithic times and throughout the ages. This living, breathing, working landscape is as rich and as fascinating now as it was hundreds of years ago. Leading the way for the arts, all things organic, a haven for literary greats and explorers, you will be walking in some awesome footsteps. Dartmoor served as the inspiration for Conan Doyle’s classic Sherlock Holmes tale The Hound of the Baskervilles and has also played a significant role in modern cinema, acting as the backdrop for the blockbusting film War Horse.
Dartmoor has the largest number of archaeological remains in Europe. So if it is stone circles, menhirs, stone crosses and ancient villages that get you excited, look no further. It is home to all manner of wildlife, and various parts of the moor have been designated as Special Areas of Conservation. From the native Dartmoor ponies wandering the moor, to rare butterflies, birds, bees and even the occasional ‘Beast of Dartmoor’ - there’s every type of wildlife to be found on here.

The most amazing house and grounds. We had a fantastic long weekend with our family.